daily schedule red 2017september Red 2017september Red 2017september Red 2017[testimonial company=”My First Montessori” author=” Ms. Stacy “]


Welcome Back everyone,
Wow! We can’t believe summer is almost over, We had the best time! Our summer was filled with amazing memories. I can’t wait to get this year started. We have a lot of wonderful things planned for this year ahead. We are welcoming some new faces to Red class. We will be starting off with the theme “All about me”, and my family. So we can get to know everyone.
The children will also be of learning and fun activities.
Parent Reminders:
Please make sure to clearly label all your child’s belongings, first and last names.
Also please check the parent boards often, there is a lot if information and classroom sign up for snack host. There is a Food prep sign up on Fridays.
        Thank you everyone from Red Class.


Monthly Calendars

[one_half_last][button color=”red” link=”https://myfirstmontessori.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/september-Red-2017.pdf” newwindow=”yes”]September[/button][/one_half_last]



[one_half][button color=”red” link=”https://myfirstmontessori.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/daily-schedule-red-2017-2018.pdf” newwindow=”yes”] Daily Schedule [/button][/one_half]